Four hours later, I am not only able to write this but laugh about a certain 15 month old who climbed into a kitchen cabinet, shut the door behind him, and poured apple cider vinegar on everything, but also able to recognize that I really ought to have laughed at the time as well.
God causes us to grow - and that if we pray for more love, more grace, more ability to bear up, He always answers it with more of Himself.:)
I am sooooo glad March is here, it means that spring is just around the corner! The end of February was hit with sickness for all. I can deal with colds, ear/sinus infections as they seem to be a seasonal thing and comes with the territory of having little ones. Although on top of that Lani got the flu, 105 temps. Ezekiel thankfully avoided the flu but got a viral bug which he's still on antibiotics for... Matthias was on 3 different antibiotics for his ears, sinuses and cough...nothing which worked. His breathing was diagnosed from a wheezing to a crackle and to continue nebulizer treatments which we'd been off/on since December. We couldn't keep his fever below 103 even with Advil/Tylenol (of/on for weeks). The peds asked that we test him (blood work, chest exrays etc) but of course the fever has gone back to normal and he has started drinking again soooo...patiently we wait and watch to see how things (prayerfully) progress.
In the meantime, we've been staying close to home, testing one anothers boundaries. Giving thanks for new yet old blessings such as books, puzzles, cozy beds, chocolate (lots of chocolate), nice smelling candles, good recipes, phones, internet, prayer, and song, children to fill the home and make memories with.