The tradition lives on...
Our tradition on New Years Eve is to go to Pikes Place Market and get fresh fish and take it home and spend a quiet evening together discussing goals and talking about the last year.
New Years Eve day we continued our tradition and went to the city had our picture taken (like last year we chose the Gasworks Park location) went to the Troll for exploring, Gasworks for run time, and the market for Gyros (YUM)!! We didn't end up buying any fish to bring home but bought some fresh mizithra/mozarella from a cheese stand in the market as well as pepperoni to make mini pizzas that evening. It was such a beautiful day that we decided to take the kids on the monorail, they were thrilled! We entered from the needle went to Westlake and got some coffee while window browsing with the littles. We were there all day and the kids were fantastic, I sure hope we can continue with 5 little ones next year!!