Today we took the kids to a Pumpkin Patch. We made a full day out of it. We first stopped at the Poulsbo farmers market then made our way to the Kingston Patch. Ezekiel and Lani loved picking out their perfect pumpkin.
We started off at the cornmaze which both kids succesfully made it through by themselves with daddy directing them from outside of the maze. Next was the kiddie track, where they have a variety of different tricycles for kids to ride around on. Then we went to pet the farm animals, and finally off to pick our "perfect" pumpkin. The place was packed with all kinds of moods unlike our time last year where our family were the only ones in the patch. We eagerly wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible. We had a few quick shots from our time together. Afterwards we went to Bainbridge Island in search of a yummy Thai place our friends had been telling us about. We got there and they didn't open for another hour and a half! Since the kids were hungry we decided to head in the direction of home and stop at the Central Market for a slice of pizza and some groceries. We got home just in time for the UW vs. Beavers game. Very close, good game with a win from the Dawgs!
Kiddie Race Track

Searching for the perfect pumpkin...

Taking a break on some greener pumkins

Sitting on the haystack getting ready to roll the pumpkin off our laps.

Look, I found the perfect pumpkin mom and dad!

Here we are with the prize beauty.

Trying to pick it up to take to the car.

Couldn't do it! So we left the pumpkin in its place and went to the store for some more! :) Shhhh don't tell the kids.