I am a follower of Jesus. I love life and have been blessed with the most hardworking, loving husband and six great kids. I created this blog to chronicle the things I have been learning, to share stories and pictures with family and friends who are interested, and to hopefully pass down a love of Jesus to my babes.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Ezekiel turns 3!!!
Unfortunatley Ezekiel caught a terrible flu bug last week which hung on which seemed like forever. The poor guy hadn't eaten in 6 days so we were unable to celebrate his special day the way we'd planned. We did make the best of his being sick by having him hang out with papa and nanny for a little bit. Opening some presents and watching his little mermaid movie. I'm glad we didn't order a "Thomas the Train" cake like we'd planned since he didn't eat one bite of the brownie and mint chocolate chip ice cream.