Wow! Time is passing me by...I've been feeling that I need more time lately. Not in a selfish sense of wanting mani/pedi's either (although I wouldn't pass it up), but more time with God, my family, and cherishing my kids. I am feeling like these months sometimes go by without my calling out to our lord and savior praising him for all he's blessed me with, telling my kids that they mean more to me than I could ever explain in words, thanking my husband for being our rock, loving me well and making me want to be a better woman and wife, enjoying my niece and nephew who live a country apart but are so close to my heart... my brother too. Taking the time to pray individually for those who are in pain daily, or who's hearts are hurting or are just lonely. I could go on...I think about all of these things often but is that enough??
As I walked out the front door and watched the kids play outside and admired the view of the city, water and mountains. I began to thank God for what he's done for me and given our family. I really can't explain how happy I am in this life right now. IT's an unfathonable feeling of comfort, peace and unknowing at the same time. I'm trying to soak in every bit of sunshine in my life before the rain comes and praying that when it does decided to rain I continue to praise God that much more for my blessings. I really feel like my heart is being prepared for that time to come.
I don't want this message to come across as every day being "perfect" either. In fact this week we found out we have termites eating at our home and as I sit here with Lani crying and Ezekiel fighting over his baby Jesus toy with a friend. There's moments where I want to crawl in bed and put the covers over my head and just tell the kids to let mommy have some time. Many moments actually...but snot, poop, drool and all I would never trade them for anything! (at least at this moment - ask me tomorrow) :) My kids also serve as a constant reminder that I need to try to be better. I love them with all my heart.
If you know me well, you know I always have ideas in my head of things I want to do! Most of the time I don't get to it, especially now! But...someday, I may become the guitar player I've always dreamt to be, or the owner of family cafe, or the creator of my LaniCoco perfume line. Or just maybe I'll continue to be the best mom I can be to three beautiful kids and the loving wife I try to be to my amazing husband. For now that's what consumes these days which turn into weeks and then months and all of a sudden the years pass.
This last weekend was Dave's 30th and Mother's Day also a celebration to recognize Uncle Joe (Dave's brother) who is heading to National Guard boot camp next week. I will try to post pictures when I get some more time. In the meantime, here are a few happenings from the month of May...