I got a phonecall shortly after the ultrasound from the doctor saying that my placenta was completely covering my cervix. It's called a "Total Placenta Previa". Most of the time this usually seperated allowing the birth canal to be visible. In this case because it's completely over the cervix. IT's not looking like there will be any changes. I've been asked to be on pelvic rest and partial bed rest. Pretty much no hikes, long walks, exercise etc, (just get where I need to go) and rest in between. This isn't my personality and has made me think of ways to enjoy my rest time in more creative ways or ways that I wouldn't have explored had I been able to get out and enjoy my legs.
So for all of you that have legs and arms and can use them, do it for my sake. I miss being active.
Here is a picture of our little peach sucking their thumb.
Oh! And the only they said that was above average is the head! Another big head coming thru.