Day #1 - I attempted to train Lani and Ezekiel at the same time. Seemed like a good idea. Both could pull there pants down and sit on their potty's quietly. Then Lani started playing the poking game with Ezekiel, moving her potty over just so she could poke him.
I decided she might not be ready for a couple of reasons and focused my attention on Ezekiel. As possible as that was with his sister checking the potty for pee and rubbing his head while he was on the potty. He did go pee pee a couple of times and then he was getting tired so we took a break for the day.
Day #2 - Started out with pancakes and a gallon of apple juice. 20 minutes later (after finishing his juice)I told Ezekiel to go to the potty and he could come back and finish breakfast. He sat on that potty for 30 minutes or so and nothing...during that time I had caught the oven on fire and was in the midst of cleanup. I then decided to take Lani to nana and pops for a little bit so I could focus on Ezekiel a little more. I took Ezekiel to the dollar store and bought
$9.00 worth of junk food and drinks which I ended up eating more than him. In the car Ezekiel started whining, so I said do you need to use the potty? HE did so I pulled over and sat him on his potty chair (in the car). He did go.
The accidents became more and more frequent after this so I stoppped for the afternoon until after naps.
Day#3- Woke up dry with No ACCIDENTS...this continues to be the case and by God's grace my little boy is an expert potty goer. :)
This picture is after Ezekiel had his first #2 in the potty. HE was so excited and I as a proud mama was thrilled. Dave asked that I refrain from showing the obvious so we cut it out of the portrait. Are little boy is a so grown up. :)