Today we were really busy running errands, I guess you could say we are trying to get all of the lose ends tied before baby #3 shows up. Priorities such as hair toner, a cell phone that works, pellets for the pellet stove to heat the home, frozen meals from Costco oh and to be home for OSU BEAVERS football...completed our list. Today we also wanted to squeeze in taking the kids to the local library for a Thomas The Train event they were hosting. Ezekiel had been talking about it all week and he LOVES Thomas the Train. They had four stations set up in which you were to get a stamp at each then at the end recieve a goodie bag. We made the tail end of the event and had a short and sweet time. :)
When we first walked in Ezekiel went to the first station (the train table) to test out all of the cars. He DID NOT want to leave this station.

The Photo booth

Mr.Conductor... Went around blowing his whistle saying "All Aboard" Ezekiel LOVED this part.

The coloring station (Lani wanted to have a variety of colors) which meant that no one else could color.

This was where we made cookies (Thomas (blue) or Persie (green)) while Ezekiel decorated his cookie, Lani ate the frosting off hers.

The kids with their train tickets around their neck and Ezekiel with his award which he recieved a (Jr. Engineer Certificate just like his daddy). :)