I am a follower of Jesus. I love life and have been blessed with the most hardworking, loving husband and six great kids. I created this blog to chronicle the things I have been learning, to share stories and pictures with family and friends who are interested, and to hopefully pass down a love of Jesus to my babes.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Black Friday Christmas Tree Tradition Continues...
Instead of braving all of the crowds at the stores we took the kids to the local tree farm to pick out our perfect tree. This year we found an 8ft tree for ten dollars! It was missing the back but fit perfectly against our corner wall. :) It's fun looking back at last years pictures at the same tree farm...Matthias was only 2 weeks old. This year it was much warmer and the sun was shining. Here are some pics!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011
The Making of An Encourager
Today on Radio - Click on this Link to Listen
This REALLY encouraged me today... This morning I got word of my friend miscarrying last night, she was 15 weeks. My heart was broken hearing the news, It brought all the emotions back...remembering how we lost our baby October 09'. Just goes to show you that these seasons prepare our heart for bigger hardships. It just so happened this sermon came on, God knew what I needed to hear. It's only 24 minutes.
2 Corinthians 12:9 - My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.
This REALLY encouraged me today... This morning I got word of my friend miscarrying last night, she was 15 weeks. My heart was broken hearing the news, It brought all the emotions back...remembering how we lost our baby October 09'. Just goes to show you that these seasons prepare our heart for bigger hardships. It just so happened this sermon came on, God knew what I needed to hear. It's only 24 minutes.
2 Corinthians 12:9 - My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Binky Breakup
We all know growing up is hard! Especially when we have to give up things we LOVE. This for Ezekiel was his neon green binky, it's been him since we can remember. Four years old brings on a whole new season of responsiblity and with this Ezekiel made the decision to give up his binky. Sunday we took a family trip to the beach, we prayed about God looking after this Binky until the new baby arrives and Ezekiel tossed in the Ocean. Bye Bye Binky!
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Happy 4th Birthday Ezekiel Giles...
Ezekiel Giles–meaning–Strength Of God! And so he is and was!
The story of Ezekiel was created especially by God for me so that I could learn more about the meaning of grace, love, patience and abounding, generous love–and how to live beyond expectations.
The story is an amazing one, how God formed his inner parts (Psalm 139:13). I will update more of our story with Ezekiel when I have more time.:)
In the meantime, I will share how we celebrated Ezekiel's 4th birthday! The "Party" wasn't until Saturday so Friday we kept it low key and just made his day special by sharing all of his favorite meals and doing what he wanted to do. We made a special breakfast (a chocolate eclair), for lunch Papa and Nanny treated him to McDonalds, and for dinner we made pancakes. He played with his new train tracks from Grandma Nita and Grandpa Donnie nearly all day. The next day we had a Thomas the Train themed party. We played "Pin the sticker on Thomas", Thomas Pinata and Roasted Marshmallows. It was every thing he'd asked for and more...
This year I've learned that Ezekiel LOVES to talk and communicate and have me listen, that is how we've become so close–I learned that as an extravert, he has a lot to say and wants to talk about what he is thinking (or not thinking) :). Happy Birthday Ezekiel!
Friday, November 18, 2011
19 weeks! Almost halfway there!!
How far along? 19 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 7lbs gained -
Maternity clothes? I'm at home most of the day, so my wardrobe consists of sweatpants, my favorite stretchy black pants & when I have to go places unbuttoned jeans.. or a dress. :)
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Still sleeping great - minus the frequent trips to the bathroom and the bizarre dreams
Best moment this week: feeling babes kicking from the outside!!
Miss Anything? I will state the obvious - lunchmeat. Something about a Cold cut sounds soooo good.
Movement: and lots of it!
Food cravings: Sweets! This week's favorites include German Chocolate cake, Chocolate, Chocolate, Chocolate chip cookies.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Have you started to show yet: My baby belly has officially arrived!
Gender: Hmm - Hubby thinks a little girl...I have no guesses today. :)
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Other than Thanksgiving... my birthday! :)

An Amazing glimpse of the babes Profile Head, Feet, and a Waiving Hand...
Total weight gain/loss: 7lbs gained -
Maternity clothes? I'm at home most of the day, so my wardrobe consists of sweatpants, my favorite stretchy black pants & when I have to go places unbuttoned jeans.. or a dress. :)
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Still sleeping great - minus the frequent trips to the bathroom and the bizarre dreams
Best moment this week: feeling babes kicking from the outside!!
Miss Anything? I will state the obvious - lunchmeat. Something about a Cold cut sounds soooo good.
Movement: and lots of it!
Food cravings: Sweets! This week's favorites include German Chocolate cake, Chocolate, Chocolate, Chocolate chip cookies.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Have you started to show yet: My baby belly has officially arrived!
Gender: Hmm - Hubby thinks a little girl...I have no guesses today. :)
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Other than Thanksgiving... my birthday! :)
An Amazing glimpse of the babes Profile Head, Feet, and a Waiving Hand...
Friday, November 4, 2011
Interview with Ezekiel...coming soon!
“We only get one shot at it. Once they’re grown, they’re grown. Give up on doing it perfectly but do it with a lot of heart and a lot of laughter and a WHOLE LOT OF JESUS. And rock them all you can.” -Beth Moore
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Happy 1st Birthday Matthias Robert...
We thank God for choosing us to be your parents, and we're grateful for the many ways you make our daily lives such an adventure, and the many ways you've encouraged us to keep our eyes fixed on Him and His wisdom and grace. How blessed we are to call you son. May you love and serve Him all the days of your life. We love you!

Introducing "THE" Cake...

A taste of cake...

Mmmm...I LIKE CAKE!!
Introducing "THE" Cake...
A taste of cake...
Mmmm...I LIKE CAKE!!