Total weight gain/loss: 7lbs gained -
Maternity clothes? I'm at home most of the day, so my wardrobe consists of sweatpants, my favorite stretchy black pants & when I have to go places unbuttoned jeans.. or a dress. :)
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Still sleeping great - minus the frequent trips to the bathroom and the bizarre dreams
Best moment this week: feeling babes kicking from the outside!!
Miss Anything? I will state the obvious - lunchmeat. Something about a Cold cut sounds soooo good.
Movement: and lots of it!
Food cravings: Sweets! This week's favorites include German Chocolate cake, Chocolate, Chocolate, Chocolate chip cookies.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Have you started to show yet: My baby belly has officially arrived!
Gender: Hmm - Hubby thinks a little girl...I have no guesses today. :)
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Other than Thanksgiving... my birthday! :)
An Amazing glimpse of the babes Profile Head, Feet, and a Waiving Hand...