It seemed as if Christmas came and then left in a blink...Matthias was diagnosed with pneumonia and a double ear infection the week of Christmas. We were instructed to give him treatment thru an oxygen mask three times a day to help with the cough for 3 weeks. Ezekiel woke up the eve of Christmas with a high fever and chills. We spent Christmas Eve in Oregon, that evening was spent at Dave's Grandparents, Christmas Day was spent at his Moms and the day after Christmas was spent at his Sisters house...until Daves cat allergy got the better of him. :)
The next day we all headed home, I took Lani and Matthias and Dave and Ezekiel rode home with Grandpa Wagner. But first they toured Grandpas work (the pellet mill) and loaded up 2.5 Tons of pellets to haul home for warmth.