Thursday, March 25, 2010

How we spent our Sunny Saturday!

This weekend it was exceptionally beautiful for a March day so...we decided to take the kids to the Tacoma Rainiers Stadium. Afterall they were giving away hotdogs and sodapop! It was a nice "little" stadium compared to the rather "large" Mariners Safeco Field, but it was a great place to show Ezekiel where the semi pros played ball. He is in love with the fact that his daddy plays baseball (really softball) but we're sticking with baseball for sake of the 2 year old. :) Below are a couple pictures from our tour. We forgot the memory card so we only had 4 photos to take with the cameras memory. Ezekiel did not like the dugout, he'd rather be playin' on base and his photo with Rhubarb the mousse may look tramatic, but he loved him and just wanted to talk to him not sit on his lap. He's too BIG for that these days ~ Like most boys his highlight was eating a hotdog. :)